TMS Maintenance: Sustaining the Benefits of Treatment

Following the initial full course of TMS treatment, many patients experience significant improvement in their condition and may enjoy an extended period of well-being. However, in some cases, additional TMS treatment may be necessary to maintain progress and prevent future recurrences of symptoms.

Here, we outline the various categories of future treatment options that may be recommended based on your unique needs and response to TMS therapy. All treatment categories are based on our TMS Medical Director’s 13+ years of experience treating over 6,000 patients with TMS.

Our team of experts will closely monitor your progress and work collaboratively with you to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your individual needs. At The Healthy Brain Center, we are dedicated to providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure the long-term success of your TMS therapy.

  1. Continuation TMS: Approximately 10% of patients who have achieved a very positive response may benefit from continued, less frequent TMS sessions to sustain their progress. These sessions typically occur once a week to once a month for several months, depending on the individual's specific needs.

  2. Preventive TMS: For another 10% of patients, occasional TMS sessions (on average, once a month) may be recommended, particularly if they have not derived sufficient benefit from psychotherapy or medications, or if they are unable to tolerate necessary medications.

  3. Long-Term Maintenance TMS: Some individuals, comprising less than 5% of patients, experience remarkable success with TMS when other psychiatric treatments have been less effective. These individuals may benefit from long-term TMS use to maintain wellness and prevent future recurrences.

  4. Recurrent Courses of TMS: Approximately 35-40% of patients may require future courses of TMS. These are individuals who have had success with the acute course of treatment and function well until a future episode of the illness reoccurs, which can happen six months to several years after the initial treatment.

  5. No Additional TMS Needed: For 35-40% of patients, TMS treatment results in such significant improvement that they continue to progress and maintain well-being with or without other psychiatric treatments, such as psychotherapy or medications. This group experiences a cumulative benefit from TMS that extends beyond the acute treatment phase.

When TMS Maintenance is Recommended

1. Individual Response and Needs: The need for TMS maintenance varies depending on individual responses and needs. Some individuals may experience a gradual return of symptoms over time, indicating the need for maintenance sessions to reinforce and sustain the therapeutic benefits achieved. Others may benefit from periodic TMS sessions to maintain stability and optimize their mental health.


2. Clinician Assessment: The decision to initiate TMS maintenance is typically made in consultation with the treating clinician. Through regular assessments and discussions, the clinician evaluates your progress, monitors symptom stability, and considers factors such as personal history, treatment response, and ongoing stressors. Based on these factors, they will support you in determining the appropriate timing and frequency of maintenance sessions.


3. Personalized Treatment Plan: TMS maintenance is incorporated into a personalized treatment plan. The timing and frequency of maintenance sessions may vary. Your maintenance plan will be based on your specific circumstances.

Long Term Care

TMS maintenance can serve as an important component of long-term care, providing continued support and optimization of treatment outcomes. It ensures that the benefits of TMS are sustained, promotes stable mental health and brain health, and helps individuals maintain their progress and overall well-being.


At The Healthy Brain Center, we understand the benefits of TMS maintenance and provide comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team closely monitors your progress, assesses the need for maintenance, and collaborates with you to develop a personalized maintenance plan that ensures the lasting benefits of TMS.


If you have further questions about TMS maintenance or would like to explore its potential benefits for you, please reach out today!