TMS Testimonials

Interested in hearing how TMS has impacted the lives of others?

“I was not exactly sure what to expect coming in to this experience, as I have tried so many different kinds of therapy/medication/treatments to help tie my depression, anxiety and obsessive thoughts and compulsions. I tried to go in with an open mind but didn’t want to get too attached to the idea that my life would be significantly changed by this kind of therapy. After completing my treatment protocol, I am so grateful to be able to say that TMS and The Health Brain Center have 100% impacted my life in a positive way. I am excited to see how much more I can continue to improve my quality of life with the relief and comfort that TMS has provided me.”

- 44 year old female

“Experience was great from beginning to end. Doctor and technician were very knowledgeable, thorough and helpful. We felt valued and taken care of. Scheduling was flexible. Would definitely recommend.”

- 20 year old male

Theresa’s Story of TMS treatment for Depression
at The Healthy Brain Center

“I first heard about TMS as an outpatient in an IOP program where I was receiving treatment for severe depression. Because my symptoms were responsive to drugs, I wasn't a candidate for TMS covered by insurance, but I wished I could try the treatment if it had a chance of making a lasting difference. Side effects from medications can be hard to deal with. I am so grateful I finally made the decision to do TMS at The Healthy Brain Center. As I've been monitoring my depression symptoms post-treatment, it's been amazing to see how things have changed. Overall, I have been sleeping better, which is a game-changer, and generally find that I have more energy throughout the day. It's not a constant slog, feeling like I have to push through great resistance just to do basic things. I have a renewed ability to enjoy my hobbies, and I have an interest in what I'm eating again. The biggest change though is that I'm not operating under the heavy weight of constant thoughts that I'm a failure and letting everyone down. It gives me hope that life will be easier in the future than it has been, and that I'll be able to manage the inevitable stressors of life that will appear.”

Theresa, TMS Patient at The Healthy Brain Center

These patients from various centers around the world
share their experiences with TMS.

Anders’ story of TMS for Depression

Dad shares his son’s story of TMS for OCD, Anxiety & Depression

Lauren’s story of TMS for Depression

Jenny’s story of TMS for Depression during Pregnancy

Veteran Jonathan’s story of TMS for PTSD and TBI

Adeena’s story of TMS for Depression & Anxiety

Alex’s story of TMS for OCD

Sheryl’s story of TMS for Depression

Ryan’s story of TMS for Depression

Chris’s story of TMS for Depression

My last treatment is today. I feel like I’m graduating. I am so grateful for this treatment. TMS has given me my life back. I appreciate your kindness and compassion and your professionalism. I always knew I was in good hands. TMS is a breakthrough treatment, an answer to a prayer for me. My brain doesn’t feel foggy anymore, so I can think more clearly. I find that I can make decisions more easily and I don’t feel completely overwhelmed all the time. My outlook is now one of hope and determination, rather than one of hopelessness and despair. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Sally D., TMS Patient at TMS of Knoxville

I was severely depressed over a period of three years. I tried several antidepressants but nothing really seemed to work. I had a severe allergic reaction. My family was very poorly impacted by the whole problem of my depression. By the end of the TMS treatment, things were better than I could have imagined. After that six week, I was so excited that my life was starting to resume. It could actually get better and that I had more to look forward to.

Garret A., TMS Patient at TMS of Knoxville

I think I’ve always had depression. One of my earliest memories has been as a little girl on the playground watching other children playing and having a good time and being alone on the sidelines and wondering why I couldn’t have that kind of fun. Depression first began to interfere with my life in my early 20’s and I began to get treatment for it. For thirty years I was in and out of hospitals with severe depression. I can’t even count the number of medications and hospitalizations. I was willing to do anything. My mother’s new boyfriend happened to be a psychiatrist who attended a seminar about TMS. He mentioned it to me and my mom and we went to a consultation. I was hopeful but very frightened. I was scared to be hopeful because so many times doctors have said “this is what is going to work for you” and it would maybe work for a couple of months and then it wouldn’t work so I was always being disappointed. I was concerned about the cost but it was my mom who said to me, “don’t you want to try something that could possibly change your life, no matter what the cost”?? And I really wanted to try. I wasn’t quite sure when I started feeling better but I think it was a couple of weeks into treatment. My mom started noticing I was more alert and aware and my face wasn’t so tight. TMS has helped me to feel the best I have ever felt. I have come off an enormous amount of medications from which I suffered a great deal of side effects. Fatigue during the day, all day was the worst side effect for me to deal with. This made it very difficult to keep a job. Now I am alert and awake and I sleep like a normal person. I am not falling asleep in the afternoon and unable to get out of bed in the morning. That has been the best change and that has been because I have been taken off so much medication. If I had given into my fears I could probably right now be in the hospital, feeling helpless and hopeless and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. That is so far from where I am right now.

Marcea, TMS Patient at TMS of Knoxville

“Before I started TMS, I was worried that there were no options left for me treatment-wise.  I wasn’t responding to medication as well as I would have liked and was desperate to try anything to feel better.  When I first started TMS treatment, I didn’t notice much of a difference, but something changed around the 4th week.  A month after I finished TMS, I started to feel better than I have in years.  Now, five months later, I feel like a totally different person.  My life has changed completely and I’m finally able to pursue my passions that were muted by depression for so long I finally feel like I’m living rather than just surviving.”

- TMS Patient from Atlas Psychiatry

"Over the course of my TMS treatment I saw a gradual improvement in my productivity and mood. Without any drastic immediate changes noticed, it was easier and easier to get of bed each morning and to fill my days with meaningful and productive behavior. I experienced almost no side effects except for a minor headache at the beginning of treatment. Overall since treatment ended I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I am able to function more normally in everyday life.”

– TMS Patient from Atlas Psychiatrity