What is TMS?

TMS: An Innovative Approach to Wellness

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an innovative approach to healing mental health and other neurological conditions. Unlike traditional methods, TMS offers a non-invasive and drug-free alternative that holds immense promise for individuals who have not found relief through other avenues.

By harnessing the power of magnetic fields, TMS stimulates specific regions of the brain that play a crucial role in the condition and symptoms you are experiencing. Through painless magnetic pulses, TMS activates dormant neurons and neural pathways, providing a unique opportunity for restoring balance and alleviating the symptoms associated with your condition.

TMS represents a paradigm shift in mental health treatment. It offers new hope and possibilities for individuals who have struggled for years without finding relief. With its non-invasiveness, lack of systemic side effects, and FDA approval (for certain conditions and more to come), TMS stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking an innovative and scientifically validated approach to healing their brain from a wide variety of presenting issues.

How TMS Works

Understanding the intricate workings of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can shed light on why this transformative therapy holds the potential for significant healing.

At its core, TMS utilizes magnetic pulses to stimulate specific regions of the brain associated with mood regulation and other neurological conditions. These magnetic fields, delivered through a specialized TMS device, non-invasively penetrate the scalp, and reach the targeted areas with precision. The pulses are carefully calibrated to induce micro-electrical currents that activate dormant neurons and neural pathways, initiating a cascade of remarkable effects within the brain.


The key to TMS lies in its ability to modulate brain activity. By stimulating specific regions, TMS influences the intricate network of interconnected brain circuits responsible for controlling emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and more. This modulation aims to restore balance and optimize the brain's functioning.

But why does TMS work? The answer lies in the brain's remarkable ability to reorganize and adapt, known as neuroplasticity. Through repetitive and targeted stimulation, TMS prompts the brain to form new neural connections and strengthen existing pathways. This neuroplasticity phenomenon allows the brain to reshape itself, effectively rewiring the circuits.


Moreover, it is speculated that TMS stimulates the release of neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that facilitate communication between brain cells. These neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, play crucial roles in regulating mood and emotions. By enhancing their production and activity, TMS can positively influence the overall brain chemistry, leading to a more balanced and stable mental state.

 What to Expect with TMS Treatment

During your TMS treatment at The Healthy Brain Center,we prioritize your comfort and well-being.

  • During the initial meeting with our very experienced psychiatric physician together you will assess the appropriateness of using TMS for your condition. We encourage you to bring a loved one with you and any questions you may have.

  • Each TMS session typically lasts from 3 to 20 minutes, depending on your personalized treatment plan and targeted brain regions.

  • The most common TMS protocol involves daily sessions, five days a week, for six weeks and then the treatment is gradually tapered down over another three weeks. Your personalized protocol may differ.

  • You will be seated comfortably as specialized TMS equipment is positioned over specific areas of your scalp. You will hear loud clicking sounds (earplugs are available) and feel gentle tapping sensations during the session. You will remain awake and alert during treatment and will be able to resume your daily activities immediately afterward. A trained and experienced technician will be with you at all times to observe the treatment and answer any questions you may have.

  • The benefits of TMS accumulate over time. Most people begin experiencing some relief by the second or third week; however, some will notice a difference sooner and for others it may take longer. Our experienced team will closely monitor your progress, making any necessary adjustments to ensure the therapy remains tailored to your needs.

How Long TMS Effects Last

However, it is also worth noting that some individuals may experience a gradual return of symptoms over time. In such cases, maintenance treatment of periodic TMS sessions may be considered to sustain the positive effects achieved during the initial TMS treatment. For others, the full course of TMS treatment may be required as frequently as once a year to maintain the results.

Additionally, it is important to mention that there is no guarantee that TMS will work for you. While it has provided relief for many, it is not guaranteed to work for everyone.

While the exact duration of TMS effects can vary depending on various factors, such as the specific condition being treated and individual response, it is important to note that TMS is often considered a cumulative therapy. This means that the benefits tend to build over time with repeated sessions.


For many individuals, the positive effects of TMS can extend beyond the treatment period itself. Studies have indicated that the benefits of TMS can persist for several months, and in some cases, even years. During this time, individuals may continue to experience reduced symptoms, improved mood, and an enhanced overall sense of well-being.

History of TMS

In the mid 1980s, TMS emerged as a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that held promise for diagnosing and treating various neurological and psychiatric conditions. It was during this time that the concept of using magnetic fields to stimulate the brain began to take shape.


As research continued, scientists and clinicians explored the therapeutic potential of TMS for a range of mental health conditions. In the early 2000s, TMS gained recognition as a viable treatment option for major depressive disorder (MDD). It was in 2008 that TMS received FDA approval specifically for the treatment of depression, opening doors to new possibilities for individuals who had not found relief through traditional methods.


Since then, TMS has continued to evolve, with ongoing research and technological advancements contributing to its effectiveness and efficiency. One significant development is the introduction of Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS) as a newer form of TMS treatment. TBS delivers bursts of magnetic pulses at a higher frequency, reducing the overall treatment time while maintaining therapeutic benefits. This innovation has further enhanced the accessibility and convenience of TMS therapy.


TMS has gained prominence in the field of neuropsychiatry, with expanding applications beyond depression. Its potential benefits in addressing myriad psychiatric and neurological conditions.


As TMS has progressed, the therapeutic protocols and personalized approaches have become more refined. The integration of advanced brain mapping techniques, such as functional MRI and EEG mapping, has allowed for a deeper understanding of individual brain patterns and responses. This information has led to customized TMS treatments, maximizing the therapy's effectiveness and optimizing outcomes.


Furthermore, ongoing research continues to contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of TMS. Numerous clinical studies and research trials have demonstrated the positive impact of TMS on various mental health conditions, further solidifying its position as a valuable treatment option.


As we stand in the present, TMS stands as a recognized and FDA-approved therapy (for certain conditions with more to come), offering hope and healing to individuals who have not found relief through other methods.


At The Healthy Brain Center, we are committed to staying at the forefront of TMS advancements and providing our patients with the latest and most effective treatment options. We remain dedicated to offering transformative care that can bring new possibilities and improved well-being to those in need.

Want to Explore the Science behind TMS?

For those seeking more in-depth information about TMS and its research, here are some links to just a few TMS studies from the last several years:

1.     Effectiveness of theta burst versus high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with depression (2018)

2.     Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant depression: the evidence thus far (2019)

3.     Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Therapeutic Option for Neurologic Diseases and Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review (2022)

4.     Safety and tolerability of transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in children: Prospective single center evidence from 3.5 million stimulations (2019)

5.     Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Chronic Pain: A Meta-analysis (2017)

These studies provide valuable insights into the efficacy and advancements in TMS treatment. We encourage you to explore them and other studies for a deeper understanding of the science behind TMS.

 *** Inclusion of any research studies on this site should not be taken as an endorsement of scientific findings by The Healthy Brain Center and are solely for educational purposes. 

If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about TMS,

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