Teen Depression

Empowering Teens: Overcoming Depression with TMS

Teen depression can have a profound impact on a young individual's life, affecting their mood, energy levels, relationships, academic performance, and overall well-being. The symptoms of teen depression, such as persistent sadness, loss of interest, irritability, anger, and changes in sleep and appetite, can significantly disrupt their daily life and hinder their emotional development. Additionally, untreated teen depression also contributes to a higher risk of suicide, as well as drug and alcohol use. At The Healthy Brain Center, we understand the unique challenges faced by teenagers struggling with depression, and we offer a solution: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

TMS is a non-invasive and medication-free therapy that provides an effective option for treating teen depression. By targeting specific areas of the brain associated with depression, TMS aims to rebalance neural activity and alleviate depressive symptoms. TMS offers teenagers a safe and promising alternative to traditional treatments, providing hope for those who may be hesitant about medication or who simply may not be experiencing the expected relief to the traditional methods of psychotherapy and medication management alone.


Our experienced team specializes in providing comprehensive TMS treatment plans tailored specifically to meet the needs of teenagers. We recognize the importance of a holistic approach to care, taking into consideration their unique circumstances, developmental stage, and treatment goals. With TMS, we strive to empower teens to overcome depression, restore their mental well-being, and embrace a brighter future.


TMS for teen depression has strong evidence of efficacy based on anecdotal, clinical, and experimental reports. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with The Healthy Brain Center team to see if this is the right option for you. We are here to support you and your teen on their journey to healing and resilience.


Learn More

If you’re interested in diving deeper into the research around how TMS can help teens with depression, here are some studies to get you started:

Not quite ready for TMS? We’re happy to be a resource for you and support your well-being at our sister center, Teen Therapy Center.

*** Inclusion of any research studies on this site should not be taken as an endorsement of scientific findings by The Healthy Brain Center and are solely for educational purposes. 


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