Panic and Social Anxiety

Embracing Calm: Managing Panic and Social Anxiety with TMS

Panic disorder and social anxiety can significantly impact an individual's life, causing intense fear, avoidance behaviors, and social isolation. These conditions can hinder personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being. At The Healthy Brain Center, we understand the challenges faced by individuals with panic and social anxiety, and we offer a potential solution: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).


TMS provides a potentially promising treatment option for individuals struggling with panic and social anxiety, especially for those who have not received the results they were looking for through medication and evidence-based therapy. By targeting specific regions of the brain associated with fear response and emotional regulation, TMS aims to modulate neural activity and improve symptoms.


Our experienced team specializes in providing comprehensive TMS treatment plans tailored specifically to meet your needs. We understand the impact of these conditions on mental well-being and the importance of finding effective strategies to manage anxiety. With TMS, we aim to help individuals overcome their fears, regain confidence, and embrace a fulfilling life.


TMS for panic and social anxiety is considered experimental but is based on anecdotal and clinical experience. Because medication and evidence-based therapies are often very successful with panic and social anxiety, it is best if these are tried first. However, if desired results are not achieved, then you may want to consider TMS. Please review the research studies below and contact us today to schedule a consultation with The Healthy Brain Center team to see if this is the right option for you. We are here to provide the support and guidance you need on your journey to managing these anxiety-related conditions and finding inner peace.


Learn More

If you’re interested in diving deeper into the research around how TMS can help individuals with Panic disorder or social anxiety, here are some studies to get you started:

Not quite ready for TMS? We’re happy to be a resource for you and support your well-being at our sister center, Family Therapy Center.


*** Inclusion of any research studies on this site should not be taken as an endorsement of scientific findings by The Healthy Brain Center and are solely for educational purposes.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Without Depression)
